Nick LoVallo

Software Engineer

About Me

Hello! I'm Nick LoVallo, a web developer and software engineer based in Chicago. I work throughout the full stack in order to create thoughtful and well-structured projects. I enjoy learning new technologies, improving my code, and refining my skills.

I primarily work with the following languages and technologies:


Beatmaker Project Image


Tech Used:

Vanilla JavaScript, CSS, HTML


An app where users can make custom beats. Includes audio files, advanced CSS design, and mathematic operations governing tempo and time signature.

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Favorite Movies Project Image

Favorite Movies

Tech Used:

Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, Bootstrap, HTML, Heroku


Full-featured website where users can create an account and log on, create their list of favorite movies, and view the lists of their friends. Utilizes Flask extensions, such as flask_wtf, wtforms, flask_sqlalchemy, and flask_login, to handle multiple key features like authentication and creating the movie lists with full CRUD functionality.

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eARth Project Image


Tech Used:

React, Three.js, React Native, Redux, Firebase, Bootstrap, Augmented Reality (AR) using ViroReact


Working on a team of 4 over a period of 3 weeks, we built a project that utilizes Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Users can build a 3D model on our website, customize it, add music to it, and then place it in the AR world using our mobile app.

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Contact Me

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to know more about my projects and experience. 773-318-0321 My LinkedIn My Github